About Kaerumusic


Our recommendations are just that - recommendations.
We're not here to sit through and write reviews about music we don't enjoy! When you find music on Kaerumusic, you know that someone already likes it.
We want to share music we like, regardless of whether that music was discovered during our childhood years or just yesterday.
We want to continue to discover new music - both in genres we already love and those "outside our algorithms".
We're humans, and we want to let other humans know why our favorite music is special to us.

What makes our music recommendations special?

Each has 3 tracks handpicked by humans.

Choice paralysis is real. And time is the most finite of resources.

Our contributors do the hard work for you and spotlight their favorite 3 tracks in every recommendation.

Love 'em all? (We're glad you do!)
Only liked one? (Still a win!)
None of them for you? (It happens!)

No matter the outcome, we try to make at least trying new stuff easy.

It's okay... we're busy, too.

What makes a contributor special?

Nothing in particular... we're all just music lovers.

Heck, none of us are professionally anything close to reviewers/writers/journalists, etc.

Each contributor has a passion for music... enough of a passion that they want to share their music by writing commentary for the topic of their recommendation as well as their 3 featured tracks. Specific cool facts and personal stories are encouraged in their commentary - info that could be easily found on Wikipedia or an AI summarizer is not.

(Our format was created so that any contributor can add a meaningful new recommendation in about 20 minutes... low time commitment, but not low effort!)

Do you like music and want to tell others about your favorites too? 
Join us
...Eventually, when an 'application form' opens up.

Pre-Emptively Answered Questions

Why "Kaerumusic"?

This site is from 2009?

Will anyone who signs up be able to contribute to the site eventually?

Why discover music via a site that doesn't even know my music/have an algorithm?

Why the emphasis on personal opinion/stories?